The Secret to Creating Great Content with Joëlle Anello


How do you go from being a funeral director to a full-time lifestyle content creator? This is the fascinating journey of Joëlle Anello, creator of La Petite Noob. She grew up a ‘military brat’ and lived in many places but Joëlle now proudly calls Toronto home. 

Joëlle Anello’s story is one of perseverance. She shares a lot of similarities with our host Casie in that sense, as Casie was also creating content online on Friday nights way before anyone thought it was cool. As Joëlle and Casie agree, why put off until tomorrow what you can do today? 

As a former Funeral Director, Joëlle could have spent her life consoling people on the death of a loved one. Instead, she took the plunge and committed to creating online content and now makes a living from it, inspiring others to do the same. Joëlle welcomely joins the Cast of Creators as a lifestyle content creator that may leave you a little jealous of the unique career path she’s created for herself.

I’m (a) content creator and so people will be like, ‘Get a real job’, and I’m like ‘Well listen, I’ve been told to get a real job for like twenty years now!

Joëlle Anello

In This Episode:

  • Dads in the military! 
  • What is it like to leave a friend group?
  • How did Joelle end up in Toronto? You’ll never guess why
  • What is it like being a funeral director?
  • The ‘real job’ of a content creator
  • Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today?
  • How Casie got started with blogging (while her boss was away)
  • Perseverance. The unsexy tip of doing something consistently
  • When did Joelle know that she could make a go of full-time blogging?
  • Joëlle’s first clients and getting started with La Petite Noob
  • The challenges of being a mother and featuring your child in your posts

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